" " " Tagesgeld Vergleich: 2010 "
Heinz Berger wird aus dem Gefängnis entlassen. Ohne Ausweis und Geld geht er auf Wohnungssuche und gerät in die Mühlen der Bürokratie. Hörspiel von Heinz-W. Geisenberger / Hessischer Rundfunk 1997 Teil 2: www.youtube.com de.wikipedia.org www.ard.de www.ard.de de.wikipedia.org

jumbo mortgage wiso mein geld sparbuch zinsen

Posted by Caedmon Labels: ,
Eine der stabilsten Währungen in Südamerika ist der Paraguayische Guarani. Für eine Sparbucheinlage bei den meisten Banken in Paraguay bekommt man derzeit 9% - 11% Zinsen pA für zB 36 Monate Laufzeit. Wie zur Zeit bei der BANCO CONTINENTAL, ITAPUA BANK, BANCO REGIONAL SA, BBVA BANK ua Die Spareinlagen sind durchwegs bis € 15.000 pro Konto von der Bank sowie vom Staat gesichert. Als Ausländer genügt es in Paraguay mit einem amtlichen Dokument wie einem Reisepass ein Bankkonto zu eröffnen. Die Zinsen kann man sich auch monatlich mittels Scheck oder Überweisungen an ein Bankkonto Ihrer Wahl auszahlen laßen ! In den meisten größeren Paraguayischen Bankinstituten wird Deutsch gesprochen. Es wird ein ausgezeichnetes persönliches Bank Kundenservice in Paraguay geboten ! Die Redaktion Hola-Paraguay steht Ihnen gerne für nähere Informationen kostenlos zur Verfügung ! Klaus Hofer Tel.: 00595-717-214 611 e-Mail: admin(at)hola-paraguay.com Web: www.paraguay.hola-paraguay.com *Info Dies ist ein TIPP - Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr ! * Geldanlage im Ausland ist "gefährlich" -- zu Hause noch mehr wie die Vergangenheit zeigte ! Nur NEPP und ABZOCKE !

wiso mein geld

Posted by Caedmon Labels: , , ,
Tagesgeld - Festgeld - Girokonten -hier im unabhängigen Internetvergleich www.financas.de können sie die Konditionen von Tagesgeld - Festgeld - Girokonten online vergleichen... http

jumbo mortgage wiso mein geld sparbuch zinsen

Posted by Caedmon Labels: , ,
Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 5:06 PM | 0 comments  
www.zinsentagesgeld.info - Hey, vielen Dank dass Du Dir das Video "Tagesgeld, was ist das?" angesehen hast. Wenn Du mehr Informationen über Tagesgeldkonten, Zinsen, etc. erfahren möchtest, dann fordere JETZT das GRATIS-Ebook "Kapitalanlage in Tagesgeld leichtgemacht" an. Hier ist der Direktlink www.zinsentagesgeld.info Tagesgeld ist eine moderne Alternative zum Sparbuch - genau so sicher jedoch deutlich rentabler.

sparbuch zinsen

Posted by Caedmon Labels:
kostenlosesgirokonto.be Dort "Tagesgeldvergleich" wählen. Das ist der aktuelle Rechner!! Vergleichen Sie, und wähel Sie Ihr Tagesgeldkonto

sparbuch zinsen

Posted by Caedmon Labels: , , , ,
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 4:58 PM | 0 comments  
Posted by Caedmon Labels:

Today many unscrupulous firms are offering corporations and bank accounts in many different jurisdictions with a shopping list of countries available almost every one of them no longer any good, many being located on Caribbean islands and are misleading the customers into thinking they are real offshore jurisdictions with privacy benefits. Wrong!!!

Let's analyze some things to look for when shopping for an offshore jurisdiction.
Bank Secrecy - Without this we are not interested. We want the bank to not be able to divulge any information about the bank account including whether or not such a bank account even exists unless there is an order from a competent court in the country where the bank is located. More secrecy than this does not exist any place today. Numbered accounts are gone. Sparbuch accounts in Austria are all gone, yes I know people offer them for sale on websites but they are all long gone and closed down. The bank secrecy laws must be written into the law of the land in question. Belize has no such bank secrecy laws written in their laws, people just seem to trust them even though there would be no legal penalty for them to reveal bank information if they see fit to do so. We want bank secrecy laws to call for prison and civil penalties for any violations in addition to allow for one to bring suit against the bank for violations. Panama meets this test.

MLAT - Mutual Legal Assistance treaty. Many nations have entered into these agreements. For a list of countries that have entered into these agreements with the USA courtesy of the US Government .

It is shocking as to how many countries are in such agreements. Even Panama is in such an agreement but it is fairly limited in scope, see below:

Essentially Panama will cooperate in a multi-national case involving narcotics and money laundering (these crimes need to be tied to narcotics). They also will get involved in cases concerning child pornography and real terrorism. If you are not a narcotics dealer and are not a money launderer (money launders are typically dealing with many millions of dollars), not a child pornographer, and not a terrorist you should not be concerned by this. The MLAT requires that there first need to a criminal prosecution case on file in the criminal courts of the requesting government (which means no fishing expeditions) then through diplomatic channels involving the embassies, requests are made for information, then reviewed by Panama officials and a decision on compliance is made or requests for more information are made so a determination can be arrived at. These cases can take months and even years for completion. At times the country where the bank is located has been known to once alerted to the problem, conduct their own investigation first and this usually requires them to seize the relevant records and documents which can stall the process for a long time even years since their justice systems typically moves quite slow and statues of limitation can run out, please don't construe this to mean Panama does this routinely it is just something that does occur from time to time around the world. The MLAT has no application to civil cases such as divorce, bankruptcy, civil judgments, business litigation, any sort of civil litigation, civil tax matters etc. Taxation matters of any sort are not covered by this as far as Panama is concerned. Income tax evasion is a civil (non-criminal) offense in Panama. Switzerland cooperates on income tax cases if the return is filed falsely like all income was not declared, things were omitted or so the complaining government says. Panama has no extradition treaties. Panama passes this test.

Tax Treaties - Many so called Offshore Jurisdictions are in Tax Treaties. For a list of countries with tax treaties with the USA click here. Panama has NO tax treaty with any country. Even Switzerland and Belize are in tax treaties as are most of the so called offshore jurisdictions. Click here to see a list of countries in tax treaties complete with links enabling you to read the actual treaties, a real eye opener click here:


Type of Bank License - Many of these offshore banks have offshore banking licenses versus regular banking licenses. Let me explain. These island jurisdictions usually have different classes of bank licenses - one class allows the bank to do business with only residents of the country, the other class usually encountered is the offshore license that allows the bank to ONLY conduct business with non-residents of the country, and they usually have a third class of license that allows the bank to do business with both residents and non-residents. It is a natural conclusion that a bank with an offshore only license is a risky proposition at best since the government won't let them do business with the citizens of their country. The banks we use in Panama are open to the citizens of Panama and are never offshore only banks. Most of the bank accounts being offered by various web site businesses are with bank having only an offshore license.

Corporation Privacy - This is an important point. I see many websites selling offshore corporations from dozens of countries. The only kind of corporation worth anything when it comes to privacy is a bearer share corporation. By this what is meant is the ownership of the corporation rests with the person who has the physical stock certificates of the corporation. Ownership need not be reported or recorded anywhere. A sale of the corporation does not need to be reported. This is what is called a non-transparent corporation and is extremely disliked by many governments who think people have no rights to privacy. In Panama a S.A. Corporation or bearer share company has no ownership reporting or recording requirements. One merely hires professional directors (which we provide) who appear as directors on hundreds of corporations and that is that. Directors are made public but you need not be your own director, we provide professional nominee directors complete with resignation letters and general power of attorney letter. Corporation privacy is especially important since governments have taken to monitoring bank wire transfers including recently the Swift System scandal showing the USA was monitoring Swift Transfers and we do not know to what extent and for exactly how long but is best to assume the worst. If one uses an anonymous bearer share Panama Corporation there is lack of transparency in that no one knows the ownership behind the corporation, they only know the corporation received or sent a wire and the other side of the transaction. This serves to preserve your privacy to a large extent. Imagine how silly it is to use an offshore corporation where ownership is made public and can be computerized thus one could tell in seconds who is the person behind the corporation receiving or sending the funds. This is what is being sold all over the internet as an offshore corporation misleading the people into thinking their privacy is being protected. Once again Panama passes the test.

Taxation Free - The offshore jurisdiction must be taxation free in that offshore derived income is not taxed by the country where the corporation is domiciled. Panama meets this test as does numerous other countries. Panama also has no capital gains tax for you stock market investors and there is no inheritance or probate tax. Panama passes this test.

Weather Considerations - Many of these offshore jurisdictions are located on islands and are subject to power outages from hurricanes. Also one must look for risk from volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquakes. Just what you don't need is a power outage from a storm preventing you from getting your money out when you need it. The reason the Panama Canal was built where it is, is because there is no risk from hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes. Panama passes the test.

Infrastructure - One must look at the power generators, telephone system and internet when evaluating an offshore jurisdiction. You don't want to have to wait days or weeks to be able to use your online banking or to be able to talk to your bank on the phone. Panama was basically built by the Americans who just left it in 2000. It has American style phones, electricity, roads, etc. The cells phones and internet in Panama are as good as Canada or USA. Panama passes the test again.

Government Stability - The last thing you need is to be banking in some tax haven offshore jurisdiction and find out a revolution has taken place and you can kiss your money goodbye. Another possibility is like what happened in Grenada when there was rampant bank fraud causing the closure and liquidation of the offshore banks with people losing their savings. Panama is a stable democracy. Panama is a UN neutral country so a war is most unlikely. Panama is in a treaty with the USA concerning the Panama Canal which was given to them by the USA in 2000. If the canal is threatened the USA has the right to step in to protect the Panama Canal. This means that if there was a revolution (unlikely occurrence since Panama is a most stable democracy) the USA would have fighter jets there within an hour or two and by the next day one could expect to see a navy aircraft carrier group in Panama Bay with an expeditionary force of marines. Next would be an airlift, paratroopers, helicopters, nuclear submarines and you have the idea. Forget about an invasion, attack or revolution in Panama, it passes the test.

Currency - Panama uses the US dollar as its currency. The banks are on the US dollar and the ATM machines dispense US dollars, they even use US coins. This means a stable currency. I know some of you will say they like the Euro better fine but when I say stable compare it to the Bahamian Dollar or Grand Cayman Dollar. No currency conversion costs in Panama if you use dollars. Panama again passes the test.

EU Ties - Panama has no ties that could erode privacy again passing the test. No reportage of income for EU residents or collecting of withholding taxes. Tax identity numbers from your home country are not required to open a Panama bank account, own a corporation, buy real estate etc. Panama again passes the test.

For more information, please visit:

jumbo mortgage

Posted by Caedmon Labels: , ,

For many, numbered accounts are shrouded in mystique. What could be more exciting that having an associate wire money direct to your secret Swiss numbered bank account?

Get greeted by your personal banker (although he doesn't know your name), be guided past nuclear security systems like the President himself into the vault, where a numbered box lies waiting for you, filled to the brim with fresh pressed notes.

It's a dream, and one we can all indulge in for a moment, but how does it work in the real world?

Until quite recently it was still possible to get your own ''numbered account'', and if you had opened one up in the 1950's, you would still be the proud owner of such an anonymous bank account.

Swiss banks used to offer anonymous bank accounts, numbered bank accounts or even the legendary 'sparbuch' savings account, where the owner of a secret passbook was identified as account holder. These would be protected by razor sharp Swiss bank secrecy, and perhaps slotted in to a larger asset protection structure which included offshore companies with bearer shares, trusts and nominee directors.

Times have changed. Governments have grown ever more aggressive in the collection of taxes since the 1970's heyday of offshore banking, and wizened up to the tax avoidance methods promoted by offshore service providers and asset protection specialists.

Part of their campaign against tax havens has been to associate bank secrecy and secret numbered accounts with money laundering. This concept was cemented in government ideology after the 9/11 attacks after which governments could claim that secret bank accounts were used not only by drug lords but terrorists too. Following creative logic they could then claim that all offshore money was 'soiled' by criminal hands and would not be 'cleansed' again until in the hands of the Government.

In 2004 Switzerland was forced to introduce new money laundering regulations which spelled the end of the numbered account, obliging all account holders to be properly identified.

Now numbered accounts still exist, but only if the bank knows exactly who the account holder is.

Do you still want a secret numbered account?

Although the Swiss numbered account as we know it has officially gone, you can still get an alternative much cheaper which protects your privacy in the same way.

For example you can use a trust company to open a secret account for you at a bank in a safe and private jurisdiction in their name, denominated with your own special reference number. All transactions will show only a number and the name of the trust company. The bank doesn't know who you are.


wiso mein geld

Posted by Caedmon Labels: , , ,
Posted by Caedmon Labels:
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 4:34 PM | 0 comments  
Aberdeen/Schottland und wir schreiben den 20.12.1999 Liebste Saphira-Yunalesca Vorhees Dies sind die letzten Worte die du von mir hören wirst Schwester, denn ich habe erkannt, dass es ein ´wir´ nicht mehr gibt. Dennoch möchte dein Bruder dir noch einige Worte mit auf den Weg geben, in der Hoffnung, dass du sie nur wenigstens liest. Ich hab noch nie darüber gesprochen, aber weisst du was ich an deinem achten Geburtstag gemacht habe? Ich hab 100 Mäuse auf einem Sparbuch für dich angelegt. Das war ein Ausbildungsfont und jeden Monat hab ich weitere 100 Gallonen darauf einbezahlt solange ... Egal, was ich damit sagen will Yuna ist, dass hier ist nicht das Leben das ich mir für dich vorgestellt habe. Noch immer wirst du dich fragen, weshalb ich so wütend war als du gegangen bist! Doch du musst das verstehen Saphira-Yunalesca... Nach dem Tot unserer Eltern, habe ich nur noch das Böse gesehen... überall! Und das einzige was für mich zählte, war dich am Leben zu erhalten. Ich wollte, dass du aufs Leben vorbereitet bist... verstehst du? Und irgendwann in dieser Zeit hörte ich auf dein Bruder zu sein... und ich wurde zu deinem Ausbilder. Als du dann sagtest du willst weg um deine eigenen Pfade zu gehen, konnte ich nur noch daran denken... war mein einziger Gedanke, dass du allein sein würdest.... Verwundbar. Yunchen, es kam mir nie in den Sinn was du eigentlich wolltest! Ich konnte einfach nicht akzeptieren, dass wir beide so verschieden sind, doch irgendwann musste ich es erkennen ...

wiso mein geld sparbuch zinsen

Posted by Caedmon
FDP: Meister des Wahlbetruges, die verlogenen Sparmeister

sparbuch zinsen

Posted by Caedmon Labels: ,
Der Raiffeisen Ausblick auf die Aktien- und Rentenmärkte in Europa und USA vom 17. Oktober 2008: In dieser Raiffeisen-Podcast Episode skizziert Helge Rechberger, Leiter der Aktienmarktanalyse der Raiffeisen Zentralbank, die aktuellen Regierungsmaßnahmen und deren Auswirkungen auf die amerikanischen und europäischen Finanzmärkte. Ist damit der Höhepunkt der Krise überwunden? Erscheint in Zeiten wie diesen das Sparbuch als die einzige empfehlenswerte Anlageform? Informieren Sie sich in dieser Episode zum Marktausblick vom 17. Oktober 2008. Nun auch auf youtube!

wiso mein geld

"10,5 Milliarden Euro kann die Bundesregierung einsparen - das meinte die FDP noch, als sie in der Opposition war, und ihr "Liberales Sparbuch" vorlegte. Nun ist die FDP an der Regierung und könnte umsetzen, was sie gefordert hat: Sorgfältig mit dem Geld der Steuerzahler umgehen - zumindest in den fünf Ministerien, denen FDP-Minister vorstehen. Frontal21 schaut nach, was aus den Sparideen geworden ist." Beitrag by Hans Koberstein und Birte Meier für frontal21, ZDF, 100127 Sendung: frontal21.zdf.de Beitrag: frontal21.zdf.de Video: www.zdf.de Manuskript: frontal21.zdf.de Forum: frontal21.zdf.de

sparbuch zinsen

Posted by Caedmon Labels:

wiso mein geld sparbuch zinsen

Posted by Caedmon Labels: ,
10,5 Milliarden Euro kann die Bundesregierung einsparen - das meinte die FDP noch, als sie in der Opposition war, und ihr "Liberales Sparbuch" vorlegte. Nun ist die FDP an der Regierung und könnte umsetzen, was sie gefordert hat: Sorgfältig mit dem Geld der Steuerzahler umgehen - zumindest in den fünf Ministerien, denen FDP-Minister vorstehen. Frontal21 schaut nach, was aus den Sparideen geworden ist.

sparbuch zinsen wiso mein geld

Posted by Caedmon Labels: ,
Erinnern Sie sich noch an Ihre ersten Erfolge beim Sparen? Ob nun im Sparstrumpf ganz hinten im Schrank oder etwas ausgefeilter mit Sparbuch -- stolz war man schon darauf. Anlässlich des 175-jährigen Jubiläums der Sparkasse wollten wir wissen, wie die Jenaer früher gespart haben und wie sie es heute tun.

sparbuch zinsen wiso mein geld

Posted by Caedmon Labels: , , ,
Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 10:28 AM | 0 comments  
islamische banking

sparbuch zinsen

Posted by Caedmon Labels: ,
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 10:25 AM | 0 comments  
Uwe Wöllner (bekannt aus ulmen.tv) ist im Italienurlaub, doch er kann seine Zeit dort nicht so recht genießen. Zum einen ist seine WLan Verbindung viel zu langsam und zum anderen macht er sich Sorgen um sein Sparbuch.

sparbuch vergleich sparbuch zinsen wiso mein geld

Posted by Caedmon Labels:
Die Prinzen - "What should I buy her?" (jeden Tag und jede Nacht, und jeden Tag und jede Nacht) Jeden Tag und jede Nacht, muß ich daran denken, jeden Tag und jede Nacht, was soll ich ihr schenken, was soll ich ihr schenken? Denn alles, alles hat sie schon, alles, alles und noch mehr, alles, alles hat sie schon, was soll ich da schenken, ohne sie - ohne sie zu kränken. 'n Gummibaum? - (hat'se schon!) Badeschaum? - (hat'se schon!) 'n rotes Tuch? - (hat'se schon!) 'n Sparbuch? - (hat'se schon!) 'n Knutschfleck? - (will'se nich!) 'n Bumerang? - (da hat'se mich!) Sogar 'ne Matratze - die hat'se, hat'se, hat'se! Was soll ich da schenken, ohne sie zu kränken?! Jeden Tag und jede Nacht, muß ich daran denken, jeden Tag und jede Nacht, was soll ich ihr schenken, was soll ich ihr schenken? 'n Meerschwein? - (hat'se schon!) 'n Heiligenschein? - (hat'se schon!) 'n Ring am Finger? - (hat'se schon!) so süße Dinger? - (hat'se schon!) 'n Waschlappen? - (hat'se schon!) Scheuklappen? - (hat'se schon!) Ich mach mir heute kein Abendbrot, ich mach mir solche Sorgen, woher krieg ich ihr Geschenk, ich brauche was bis morgen! Jeden Tag und jede Nacht, muß ich daran denken, jeden Tag und jede Nacht, was soll ich ihr schenken, ohne sie - ohne sie zu kränken? Eventuell fiel's mir gerade ein, ist allerdings noch streng geheim, eventuell schenk ich ihr -'ne Nacht mit mir!

sparbuch zinsen

Posted by Caedmon Labels: ,
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Klassiker

sparbuch vergleich wiso mein geld sparbuch zinsen

Posted by Caedmon Labels: , , ,
Monday, April 12, 2010 at 10:06 AM | 0 comments  
" Pöstchenpartei "

sparbuch vergleich

Posted by Caedmon Labels: ,

Viele von uns träumen Eröffnung eines Schweizer Bankkontos oder mit einer anonymen Kreditkarte, wo wir unser Geld ausgeben können, ohne ständig überwacht und verfolgt von den Behörden. Es gibt viele Leute, die gerade auf der Suche nach Schutz der Privatsphäre in diesem Tag der CCTV, biometrischen Kontrolle und intrusive Aufmerksamkeit für unser Geschäft sind.

Ich glaube, dass, wo und wie ich bank ist mein Geschäft, und bedaure, nicht die Eröffnung eines Offshore-nummerierten Bankkonto in der Vergangenheit. Diese anonymen Status nicht Bankkontenzunehmend schwieriger zu erlangen und Beratung ist schwer zu bekommen.

Sicherlich gibt es Betrüger "Banking-Berater" da draußen, aber wo findet man die wirklichen Informationen?

Wo und was ist offshore?

Beginnend mit den Grundlagen.

Achten Sie darauf, die Dinge legal (Steuerumgehung) anstatt uns illegal (Steuerhinterziehung)

Warum die offshore? Glauben Sie wirklich brauchen?

Brauchen Sie einen Trust, Gesellschaft oder Stiftung? Wie viel kostet es wirklich kostenEinrichtung eines Kontos?

Wie Sie die richtigen Offshore Bank je nach Ihren Bedürfnissen und Gegebenheiten auswählen

Wie effektive Due Diligence auf Offshore-Banken zu tun

Sie müssen finden Sie aktuelle, up-to-date Informationen wie:

Wann und wie US-Bürger können Offshore-Banking-Know-how und Möglichkeiten des Zugangs

Die Auswirkungen des Vereinigten Königreichs für 2007 Geldwäschevorschriften

Was Sie wirklich brauchen, um über die EU-Zinsrichtlinie und Informationsaustausch wissen

SieNotwendigkeit für eine Vielzahl von Schrauben und Muttern Informationen suchen, zum Beispiel:

Haben anonymen Nummernkonten wirklich?

Was ist ein Sparbuch?

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Multi-Currency Konten und Kontoführung in mehreren Währungen?

Wie man Gold und andere Edelmetalle via Offshore-Banken halten

Wie zu öffnen Online-Brokerage-Konten auf den Weltmärkten aus Offshore-Zugang

Wie, warum und wo eine anonyme Prepaid-Cash-Karte nicht zu erwerben, verbunden Ihrer wichtigstenKonto für Barabhebungen an Geldautomaten weltweit.

Welche Dokumente werden durch Offshore-Banken für die Kontoeröffnung erforderlich?

wiso mein geld

Posted by Caedmon Labels: , , ,
" Pöstchenpartei "

wiso mein geld sparbuch zinsen

Posted by Caedmon Labels: , , ,

Many of us dream of opening a Swiss bank account or having an anonymous credit card where we can spend our money without being constantly monitored and tracked by the authorities. There are many people who are just looking for privacy in this day of the CCTV, biometric control and intrusive attention to our business.

I believe that where and how I bank is my business and regret not opening an offshore numbered bank account in the past. These anonymous non status bank accounts are increasingly difficult to obtain and advice is hard to come by.

There are certainly scammer 'banking consultants' out there but where do you find the real information?

Where and what is offshore?

Starting with the basics.

Be sure to keep things legal (tax avoidance) rather than going illegal (tax evasion)

Why Go Offshore? Do you really need to?

Do you need a Trust, Corporation or Foundation? How much does it really cost to set one up?

How to Choose the Right Offshore Bank depending on your needs and circumstances

How to do effective Due Diligence on Offshore Banks

You need to find topical, up-to-date information such as:

When and how US citizens can access offshore banking expertise and opportunities

The impact of the UK's 2007 Money Laundering Regulations

What you really need to know about the EU Savings Tax directive and information exchange

You need to look for a wealth of nuts and bolts information, for example:

Do anonymous numbered accounts really exist?

What is a Sparbuch?

What is the difference between Multi-Currency Accounts and Multiple Currency Accounts?

How to hold gold and other precious metals via offshore banks

How to open online brokerage accounts to access world markets from offshore

How, why and where to acquire an Anonymous Prepaid Cash card not linked to your main account, for ATM withdrawals worldwide.

What documents are required by Offshore Banks for account opening?

sparbuch vergleich sparbuch zinsen wiso mein geld

Posted by Caedmon Labels: , ,
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